Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Worgen’s Howl Episode #57: Mount Count!

Welcome Back!

Another week has passed, and that means we are back once again with the latest from the World of Warcraft and the community around it! We are excited this week to bring you lots on the community board, another starting party segment, and more! Here is some of what you will hear about this week...

  • Flying is sooo close!
  • You can decorate your garrison soon
  • Is Archimonde too hard for LFR?
  • And much more!

First off, last week's guest, Frenone, was super kind and drew us a cute picture! We want to thank her again for being a part of the show, and especially for this gift! Also, remember that you can win a chibi avatar from her, details below!

Second, here are a bundle of contests that are on the community board this week! Good luck in them! There is also an auction for a good cause, so be sure to check it out!

Next, Kaz randomly won in the Whammo giveaway, and we wanted to show off their great work! so be sure to commission them if you get the chance!

Also, here are some of the screenshots from our adventures in the starting party segment. Enjoy the sights that we captured, and if you want, go and start a new Blood Elf and give it a go!

Finally, thank you all once again for all of your support! We have been receiving many great compliments lately and want to let you all know that they mean a lot to us! See you next time!

,Frostee and Kaz

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Friday, August 21, 2015

The Worgen’s Howl Episode #56: The White Pawn Theory!

Welcome Back!

Another week has come and gone already, and we are here to recap the latest news from the World of Warcraft and the community around it! With the upcoming patch 6.2.2 we have been seeing a lot of information popping up which means that will be a big topic, as well as some BlizzCon news. Here is a little of what you will hear about this week!

  • Patch SHOULD be here on Sept. 1st
  • New changes to some racial abilities
  • Recent Legion interview recap
  • BlizzCon announcements and reveals
  • And much more!

First, we had the honor of having an outstanding interview with Frenone this week! Hear more about her, her art, and more in our chat with her! Also, be sure to check out some of her great work below!

Again, a huge thank you to Frenone for taking the time to chat with us! You can find her on Twitter, her website, DeviantArt, Twitch, BadgeBabes, and more!

Now, on the the community board this week, and we have three fantastic contests for you! Good luck with your entries!

Lastly, Kaz finished her Noodle Derp mount stickers and they are now available on her Etsy! See the tweet below and get some for yourself!

I also started work on a new video project that I hope you will all enjoy. I forgot to mention it on the show,  but feel free to take a look at the first episode of Zoning In, where I spotlight a zone and interesting things there with some funny personal stories mixed in.

Finally, thank you all once again for all of your support! We have been receiving many great compliments lately and want to let you all know that they mean a lot to us! See you next time!

,Frostee and Kaz

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Friday, August 14, 2015

The Worgen’s Howl Episode #55: Bear Goggles!

Welcome Back!

Another week has gone by, and with it we have a lot to talk about from the Warcraft universe and community! With all of the interviews trickling down we will be going more in depth with some Legion news. We will also cover some of the upcoming announcements! Here is a sampling of what you will find this week...

  • More Legion talk!
  • Our new goal is 300 mounts!
  • Moose mount confirmed!
  • Collector's edition and BlizzCon rewards!
  • And much more!

First, we have an exciting contest from Whammo we would like to highlight! Good luck with your entries! It ends on August 20th.

Also, we have an exciting spotlight next week where we will get the chance to sit down and talk with Frenone about herself, her art, and her thoughts on Legion. You won't want to miss it!

This week also saw the long-promised return of the Starting Party segment! This time we visit the Night Elf starting zone. Here are some screenshots from the fun!

Finally, thank you all once again for all of your support! We have been receiving many great compliments lately and want to let you all know that they mean a lot to us! See you next time!

,Frostee and Kaz

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Worgen’s Howl Episode #54: Manduin Wrynn, no longer the white pawn!

Welcome Back!

Well, what an exciting week! I mean, when an new expansion is announced, can it get any more exciting? We now have a newly announced expansion, and a whole lot of information to digest! In this episode we try to cover all of the announcements from the big reveal at gamescom! Here is what you will hear about...

  • World of Warcraft: Legion!
  • Demon Hunter Hero Class!
  • Artifact Weapons, Class Order Halls,
  • How did last weeks predictions fair?
  • and much more!

Enjoy for yourself the trailers from today, and be sure to check out the expansion website for all the details! Remember that there will be another panel running Sunday to talk more about the expansion, and we will recap all of that goodness next week!

From the community board this week, we have a number of contests for you to enter into! Good luck, and thank you to all of those who put on these contests!

Seriously, thank you all once again for all of your support! Huge props to all of you for making this announcement day so great, and also much love to Blizzard for giving us this game that we have formed such an outstanding community around! Your hard work really shows in the announcement today! See you next time!

,Frostee and Kaz

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